Baldacci, David: Stone Cold
Bass, Jefferson: Flesh and Bone: a Body Farm novel
Blume, Judy: Smart Women
Bradford, Barbara Taylor: The Heir
Cabot, Meg: Big Boned: a Heather Wells Mystery
Card, Orson Scott: Children of the Mind
Coble, Colleen: Lonestar Sanctuary
Connelly, Michael: City of Bones
Cornwell, Patricia: Book of the Dead
Cussler, Clive: The Chase
Ellison, JT: All the Pretty Girls
Flynn, Vince: Protect and Defend: a Thriller
Foster, Lori: Enticing
Gold, August: The Prayer Chest: a novel about receiving all of life's riches
Grafton, Sue: T is for Trespass
Hannah, Sophie: Little Face
Herman, Kathy: Never Look Back
Hill, Joe: 20th Century Ghosts
Iles, Greg: Third Degree
Kaplow, Robert: Who's Killing the Great Writers of a America?: a satire
Karon, Jan: Home to Holly Springs
Kingsbury, Karen: Between Sundays
Koontz, Dean: The Darkest Evening of the Year
Lacy, Al: A Line in the Sand
Lehane, Dennis: Gone, Baby, Gone
McCraig, Donald: Rhett Butler's People
McGarrity, Michael: The Judas Judge: a Kevin Kerney Novel
Morris, Gilbert: Pages of Promise; The Cat's Pajamas
Parker, Robert B.: Now and Then
Patterson, James: Double Cross
Patterson, Richard North: The Race
Pullman, Phillip: The Golden Compass
Robb, J.D.: Creation in Death
Roberts, Nora: Blood Brothers
Sawyer, Kim Vogel: Beginnings: Sommerfield Trilogy, Book 2
Steele, Danielle: Amazing Grace
Truman, Margaret: Murder on K Street: a Capital Crimes Novel
Woodworth, Stephen: With Red Hands