Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday's Three Things you might not know

You can find it at the library!

1. General Weather Forecast Summer 2010: Early season hot spell in mid-May. Summer will be cooler than normal, with slightly below normal rainfall. The hottest periods will be in mid- to late June and mid- and late July.

2. Best Fishing Days this summer: June 12-25, July 11-25, and Aug 9-24 (when the moon is new and full)

3. Dog Days (July 3-August 11): These are the hottest and most unhealthy days of the year. Also known as Canicular Days, their name derives from the Dog Star, Sirius. The traditional 40-day period of Dog Days coincides with the heliacal (at sunrise) rising of Sirius.

This information was found in:
The Old Farmer's Almanac by Robert B. Thomas

Check back every Thursday to Find out Three Things You Might Not Know --You can find it at the library!

Summer Reading Program

Check out the Teen Page and the Kids Page on the WCPL website to find out everything that is going on this summer at the Wabash Library!

Library Closing

Wabash Carnegie Public Library will be closed in observance of Memorial Day May 31. Enjoy the holiday!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday's Three Things you might not know

You can find it here at the library!

1. Refugee Destinations: Pakistan, Iran, and Germany provided asylum to the largest numbers of people from outside their own borders.

2. Adult Literacy: The largest populations of literate adults live in China, India and the United States.

3. Commuting Time: In Thailand, which has the longest commuting times in the world, the population spends a combined total of 74 million hours commuting every day, which works out at 71 minutes for every member of the population.

This information was found in:
The Atlas of the Real World: Mapping the Way We Live by Daniel Dorling

Check back every Thursday to Find out Three Things You Might Not Know --You can find it at the library!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Learning Express Library
Learning Express Library is an online resource offered by WCPL for patrons who want to work on things at home from their computer. So if you need some help practicing for the GED or you are job hunting and want to brush up on your interview skills, this site is for you! If you access it through the Library's website you can use it for no charge! You just need to create a login and password.

Check out everything Learning Express has to offer:

Citizenship Help:
Citizenship Test Practice: History & Civics Questions

GED Help:
GED Practice Exams
GED Preparation CoursesGED Skills Improvement
Spanish Language GED Preperations

Job Search Help:
Business Writing
Job Search, Resumes, and Interviewing

Skill Building for Adults:
If you're a busy adult looking to improve or refresh your reading, writing, or math skills, the resources below will help you reach your goals.

Math and Reasoning Skills Improvement
Reading Skills Improvement
Writing and Grammar Skills Improvement

Mejora de las habilidades de lectura y escritura
Mejora de las habilidades matematicas
Preparacion para examen GED